Personal InformationKillam Scholar 2023Vanier Scholar 2024 University of AlbertaDepartment of AnthropologyTory Marshal Building; 14-22Edmonton, Alberta. Educational Information: Ph.D. Student of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, CanadaThe Tentative Thesis Title: The Agency of Dead Bodies in Contemporary IranSupervisor: Marko ZivkovicGPA: 3.9 Research Funding History 2024/9 -2027/9 SSHRC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Ranked 1 among 193 applicants) 2023-24 Bryan Gruhn Research Award 2023/9 – 2025/9 Killam Trusts, Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship Awards2023/9 – 2024/5 The University of Alberta, The Middle East and Islamic Studies, State of KuwaitDoctoral Award in Islamic Studies2023/9 – 2024/5 Killam Trusts, Killam Differential Fees Award— Total Funding 2023/11 – 2023/11 Read more…